And breathe…

We have all sat through conferences or ‘away days’ in dark, dingy rooms with no natural light for hours on end.  How did it honestly make you feel?  Energised, inspired and motivated?  No, I didn’t think so.  


Most conferences we have delivered have the objective to inform, educate and inspire.  Main objectives are often around sharing strategy, setting targets, training and preparing work forces for change, or a key period within the year.


At Story Maker Events we understand that delegate well-being is becoming a key consideration when we are shaping conferences for clients.  If you want your delegates to be fully engaged to receive important messages then creating a mindfully curated agenda and event environment is critical to success.


Sound like mumbo jumbo talk?  Stick with me and it will make sense.     


The environment


  • A bright, comfortable setting which offers natural light and a variety of furniture to suit different delegates ensures the basics are covered


  • Breakout space is key – delegates need space to take a moment for themselves, whether to call home, check emails, or just for a bit of quiet time


  • Outdoor space is a must – fresh air clears the mind and is good for the soul


Feeding the tribe


  • Invest in healthy snacks – nuts, fruit, smoothies will all keep energy levels high


  • Avoid set menus and offer buffet/street food style choices, providing a variety of flavours, smells and colours to stimulate senses


  • Be kind to our Planet and select options with sustainability in mind


Re-vitalise the format 


  • Avoid long days of PowerPoint heavy key note talks – think bitesize chunks


  • Start the day with a group physical activity – this could be an organised walk, run, meditation, or yoga session. Whatever suits your group!  


  • Provide active breaks – rooms or activity which encourage reflection and creativity


  • Have well-being experts onsite offering informal drop in sessions for delegates to talk through whatever is on their mind 


Looking for inspiration?  Here are some of our favourite examples… 





If you want to find out more about planning events which make your delegates well-being a priority, contact one of the Story Maker team today!