A goal without a timeline is just a dream

So, I am three months into my journey as a mentor for the Fast Forward 15 Programme and now Katharine and I have built a lovely little relationship, goal setting has become our number one priority.


Personally, I have always been someone who sets myself goals, whether it is simply my weekly to do list to keep me on track, or longer-term goals which need to be mapped out, tracked and measured


In the Fast Forward 15 Programme we focus on both personal and professional goals, building short/long term, breakthrough and dream goals. I think if we all search deep inside, we have the big dream for the future, which may feel too big and unobtainable – and may actually stay just a dream.


However, what Katharine and I have been working on is identifying our goals on each level and importantly mapping out the journey to reach the big breakthrough goal.


Why is the breakthrough goal so important? Well, this is the goal which you know will have a huge impact on your life but it feels out of reach and overwhelming.  Once you have identified this type of goal and have worked backwards from achieving this goal to understand what steps and timeline you need to take to meet it, you have built a measurable framework to keep you on track


What I have also learnt is that, although both of our event careers are taking different paths due to COVID-19, the goal setting is just as relevant.  You could argue that perhaps it is even more important as we try to build our futures through this uncertainty.


Keep your goals simple and make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound).


With all the uncertainty in the world right now, I am finding that setting smaller weekly goals is key to keeping my mind focussed and my motivational levels high.


Try it – feel free to reach out if you have any questions and please do get in touch  to share with me how you are getting on!


  Good luck and bye for now – Kelly x